Welcome to


    Thanks for stopping by and however you found me I am so glad you're here.  I'm Allison and I LOVE to craft, but over the years I've found that I only have so many family members and friends and they don't actually want a handmade gift every year for Christmas or on birthdays...imagine that!  I needed another outlet and so 'Crafty Cov Mom' was born.

    I'm an American expat living in the middle of England with my husband and daughter.  I have always loved making things but my interest was supercharged about 10 years ago when a friend introduced me to knitting.  She got me some needles and wool, showed me how to cast on and to knit and to purl and that was it.  I had go the local library to get a book on knitting in order to learn how to cast off!  My interest in knitting grew and I was taking on more and more challenging projects but as I was researching new techniques the idea of starting crochet kept nagging at me.  

    My grandmother was a crocheter and I had a few blankets she made for me around my house.  We, unfortunately, never got to talk about the yarn arts together because my interest started after I left home but she was so excited I was knitting and sent me a pack of yarn for my birthday the first opportunity she had.  When she passed I was given her crochet hooks and finally any excuse I had to delay taking up the hobby disappeared.

My Grandmother the first time she met my
daughter with a blanket she made

    Today, I would say crocheting is my passion and it will be the focus of this blog.  I want to help show you crochet is fun and even if you are brand new it will not take long before you are creating beautiful things.  I want to show you crocheting tips and tricks I've learned along the way to help make your projects look polished and professional.  And lastly, I want to share with you patterns of my own design, I can't wait to see what you create!

    I truly enjoy making and if you do to then you are in the right place!


Crochet Christmas Popcorn & Star Garland

  Crochet Your Christmas Cheer into July with This Easy Garland! Christmas in July? You bet! It's the perfect time to embrace the festiv...